Wednesday 1 May 2013

African Renaissance : When is this really happening?

I am getting sick and tired of all these reports about Africa being on the brink of (re)claiming its place as a giant in the world. It is not that I am against it, on the contrary but I feel like this is taking too long and perhaps they are not telling us the whole story.

First of all, it is believed that in the awake of the recent financial downturn, Africa offers an abundance of opportunities for foreign investors. Being the world’s second largest continent, it is richly endowed with a variety of resources thus becoming an attractive investment destination.

 Africa has always had natural resources and the potential for it to become an economic giant has always been mentioned but nothing has ever happened. Today, the story about Africa finally waking up, is becoming an everyday thing, yet poverty is still the order of the day. When is this taking place?

When slavery was abolished, they said the moment for African had arrived but then they came with colonisation which in my opinion was not far worse. For  many decades, colonisation has robbed Africa of its natural resources without returning the favour. Now that the cover-up behind colonisation has been exposed, they have come up with another trick which is ''Africa is the new hub for investment as it prepares for its renaissance''. But what is Africa getting out of it this? Re
naissance is a beautiful word but what does it mean in practical?

Foreign companies are coming to Africa to invest and take the profits back to where they belong. Job creation and insfrastructure developement claimed are for me non-existant to date. Therefore this time Africa needs to have regulations in place to force every foreign company wanting to invest to commit to specific development programs . This is the only way Africa can finally claim its renaissance.

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