Tuesday 23 April 2013

Is it easy to adapt to change?

This question is fundamental but not relevant at this point in time (anymore). We do not have the luxury to choose as change is bound to happen and we have to adapt whether we we like it or not. This is not an option but the only way to survive.

But is it easy to adapt to change? Clearly no. But let's face it, life itself is not easy and those who adapt easily to change, are those who understand that change is inevitable.Once one is prepared that change will always be part of our existence, just like you are prepared to face difficulties that life throws at us, it becomes eaiser to adapt.
Source : http://innovationzen.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/evolution.jpg

''The only thing that is constant is change'', said Heraclitus. Change is not new, it has always been there. Perhaps the only difference is that today change occurs faster than it did a few decades ago thanks to technological breakthrough of  recent times.Nonetheless, we will never cope with it unless we understand that change is sine qua non and it will never adapt to us but it is rather us adapting to it. With that in mind we will find it easy to adapt to change.

With that being said, we should all think that we are adaptable to change as it is all in our minds. As Darwin said “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”